right size

had a hard time reaching the finish line. had two hands with me, a great pair, the right size, still had to do it myself. didnt even run through the last time a few nights ago with that. not enough magnetism. about her at least. i knew i did well enough and played with my luck too hot on a friday night. remember that there is a curve through the week that drops so hard on a sunday eve. everyone wants a good week ahead. since i got my rocks off this weekend i should actually sit down and do the work. (the ones that matter, and actually like). in the afternoon was a triangle of casual conversation. pretty nice. perspective is the most expensive thing you can wield. consider yours wisely. i should be slowly writing down thoughts and forms and narrative again. there is so much noise in the world, and only a very few nuggets of clarity, elegance, wit, can be found. diamonds on the sand. does it need starlight? not necessarily. i asked sir dons for a word in the middle of my own personal hell. does it have to be accurate? no, but it should be truthful. “truth” gets thrown around a lot. the truth of the pond lies in its stillness. a dragonfly perching on a lotus. a raindrop sends ripples throughout its radius but the center, the point of contact, impact site, red-dot, bulls-eye, suspends in a state between zero and one. a state of creation. “the work”. the very first sunny day after a long spell of rain.

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